Free Book ... "How To Catch a Cheating Partner"

   ... a step-by-step guide to finding out the truth.

Do you suspect your spouse of cheating on you? Are you worried about extramarital affairs? Statistics tell us that these days, cheating husbands and wives are all too common.

If you are seriously concerned about the possibility of your spouse or partner cheating on you, then I highly recommend that you read this book. Find out how to catch a cheating partner and put an end to the lies. In "How To Catch a Cheating Partner" you will learn all of the tricks and techniques that you need to know to catch your partner red-handed.

Put an end to the stress and anxiety of not knowing whether or not your spouse is cheating on you and discover what they've been doing, when they've been doing it, who they've been doing it with, how long the affair has been going on and more ... by using proven techniques that will give you fast results. Are you sick and tired of your partner's suspicious behavior? This same partner that you have unselfishly devoted so much of your life and love to over the years. If your partner is in fact been cheating on you, you want solid evidence right now.

Sometimes you may have a strong suspicion that there is a third person on the scene. However, with no strong evidence it can be difficult to allege anything. Besides if you've been wrong, it would show you as being distrustful. In such cases, it makes sense to do some investigations and confirm your suspicions before you accuse your partner of infidelity. That's what this book shows you. If you're sure and are considering a divorce, this book can help you collect evidence which can strengthen your case when it comes up before a judge.

People who cheat on their spouses are not usually criminals. So they usually leave a wide trail in the course of their infidelity. This book will help you follow that trail and nail them.
Discover the one crucial error that everybody who is having an affair will make. Learn what it is and how to catch them making it.

Find out if your relationship is a high risk for infidelity. Take our Infidelity Quiz and assess the risk of infidelity in your relationship. If you score high you have every reason to be concerned.

Read the results and analysis of the extensive research that has been done on the statistics involved with cheating so that you will be well informed as to the statistical likelihood that your partner is cheating, given your circumstances.

How to capture email passwords, access phone records, and credit card statements. Discover all the stealthy secrets of how to do this without getting caught!

Learn how to recognise the signs so that you know every time your spouse is lying to you. Psychologists developed these methods by researching and identifying the uncontrollable and subconscious movements every human being makes when they lie. 

Find out the dirty tricks cheating partners use to cover their paper trail and how you can expose them quickly.

How to prepare yourself emotionally, legally and verbally for when you do confront your spouse. Ensure that all your bases are covered so that your partner won''t be able to talk their way out of it.

What to look for discreetly in your own home and spouses car to find out whether or not your spouse is cheating. The evidence may be right in front of you. Find out how to get the information you need without raising their suspicion.

How to avoid the humiliating (and all too common) mistake that could easily severely mess up your entire investigation. This will remove the frustration of not knowing and stop your partner from fooling you with any more lies.

How to spy on your partner using the latest high-tech spy gadgets. Everything you need to know about how to select the right devices, where to find them and what to avoid.

The cunning tricks the unfaithful will use to get you "off their back".

Crucial things to consider before you catch your spouse in the act. Don''t cause yourself any more stress than you need to. What you need to know about collecting evidence and why it is important to keep it.

If you have been losing sleep over a cheating partner, we strongly recommend that you read this book. Over 80 pages of indepth information
Free Book ... "Spy Gadgets & Surveillance Made Easy"

the Complete Encyclopedia of Digital High Tech Spy & Surveillance Devices ... where to get them from, and how to use them ...

With the rapid development of the digital age, there are some amazingingly simple yet very effective surveillance devices that can be obtained by anyone. They don't cost a fortune either. In this 55 page book we detail what products are available, what they can be used for, and how to use them. The contents of this book includes ...
Computer Monitoring
Basic Computer Monitoring Skills
Advanced Computer Monitoring Skills
Key Logger Software
Key Logger Hardware
Computer Monitoring Software
Audio Surveillance
Telephone Monitoring
Area - Room Audio Monitoring
Mobile Telephone Surveillance
Mobile Telephone Monitoring
Micro Bug Monitors
SIM Card Readers
Video Surveillance
Overt Video Surveillance
Covert Video Surveillance
Webcams - as Spy Cameras
Tracking Systems
GPS Vehicle Tracking
Mobile Telephone Tracking
Chemical Forensic Tests
Voice Changers
GPS and Telephone Jammers
Covert Surveillance and The Law
The Publisher
If you really want to catch your cheating partner with solid evidence, then this easy to understand, informative book will provide you with some invaluable information of what surveillance devices are available.
Copyright 2008 ... Infidelity Investigations ... All rights reserved
PO Box 1416 Booragoon WA 6954 Australia

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